Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Reflections of 2007

Reflections of 2007

As I sit here and think about what 2008 is going to bring into our lives; mine, Alan & Stefanie’s, I just had to take a few minutes to reflect on all of the changes that have made an impact on my life and that of my family – both immediate & extended – in 2007.

One of the most joyous things that happened for me personally was the fact that God allowed me to experience all of these changes all year long by giving me breath each morning, for which I am eternally grateful. While I am on the subject of being thankful, I would like to thank Him also for all of the people that come into my life, each and every day, whether they are family or friends, and it is one of my hopes in 2008 that He will bring us all closer together.

One of the first things I got to experience in ’07 was finding some of our family that have been separated from us, for whatever reason, through this wonderful thing we call “Myspace”. Eric, Tracy, Nikkie & Ashton & last but not least, Alyson (on the Sewell side of my life). While I have only gotten to talk to Eric & Tracy through email, I am very thankful that we have been able to talk to one another. It is my hope and prayer that one day, I’ll be able to have a face to face meeting with them. I love them very much and I want both of them to know how I feel about them. I would like to know them better and one day, I know that God will allow that to happen. Separated from us, but never forgotten.

My next encounter with “on-line” searching brought me Nikkie. She is my brother Bobby’s daughter whom we lost contact with upon his death in March of 1979. Who would ever have imagined that she would keep her name - Nakeesha Starr Stroud - a one of a kind name for a one of a kind person. We got to meet her in June along with her son, my Great-nephew Ashton. God is so awesome. Not only did he bring Nikkie back to us, He brought her two fold. It is my hope and prayer that we will get to know more of Nikkie & Ashton. I want her to know that she is valued to us, not just because she was Bobby’s daughter, but because she is family - a Granddaughter, Niece, Cousin. She was separated from us, but never forgotten.

The next encounter with this “on-line” experience has brought to us, the Sewell’s, Alyson Brianne Kilthau (always a Sewell to us). A meeting that has taken place, so far, with her Father, Greig, and hopefully with the rest of us in the near future - a meeting that I knew God would allow to happen when the timing was right. I guess it’s true when they say, good things come to those who wait. We want Alyson to know that she is loved and has always been in our hearts. It is our hope with Alyson that we can pick up on the bond that held her & Stefanie so close so many years ago only to be broken by the pains of divorce. Separated from us, but never forgotten.

Another thing I got to experience was helping my Niece Emily deal with some issues that she has carried with her for a long time. It was truly amazing to be a part of God working through her to help her overcome things that had been haunting her for a long time. It was wonderful to be a part of her Baptism and watching her grow in the Lord. Thank you Emily for sharing that with me.

Next, I’d like to say how thankful I am to the 4 new “S”’s in our lives: Sarah, Sandy & Scott and Samantha. I’ve been fortunate to meet all of you but Sarah and I hope that 2008 will bring the opportunity for those of us who haven’t meet you to do so. You’ve been a pleasure to talk to “on-line” and I know that it will be great to meet you face to face. I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again, welcome to our family.

It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t mention the newest, small additions to our family. Charley Kay Tucker, born July 17th, Owen James Parson, born September 19th, & Brayden Edward Stroud, born October 24th. All cute in their own right and as far as ranking goes, it makes them my 13th Great Niece, 14th & 15th Great Nephew’s. We’ll have to rent a hall somewhere if we ever ALL get together at the same time. Children are a gift from God - we are truly blessed.

I can’t let 2007 go by without mentioning my girls - my “Redhat Girls” as those of you who are near and dear to me know them as. For those that don’t know who or what they are, they are only my four best girlfriends in the world. We all worked together at AT&T and share a very close friendship. We try to meet at least once a month, every month, and we take one long weekend trip to the beach together, once a year. I wouldn’t trade the friendship that I share with each of them for anything. They help keep me sane in a somewhat crazy world and I love them all. I’m very thankful to have Cookie, Donna, Patti & Sheila in my life.

2007 brought many chances for me to spend time with my second best friend in the whole wide world, my Mother. She is one of the grandest things in my life and I wouldn’t trade a moment of my time with her for anything. March brought the success of her colostomy being reversed and a complete recovery for her. She spent her summer as usual, gardening, canning and taking care of her ½ acre lot, she actually only cuts the back yard anymore, but it keeps her busy. Alan or some of the Grandkids cut the front since it is too steep for her and a mower. November 26th brought her to a significant milestone in her life - 80 years old. She was sick on her birthday and had to ride in an ambulance to the ER to find out she had a UTI (urinary tract infection). We had a surprise birthday party for her on December 1st. I picked her up in the biggest white stretch limo we could find - could you imagine - being 80 years old and having your first birthday party, first ambulance ride and first limo ride all in the same week. I love my Poochski with all that I have. I’m going to miss her one day - a long time from now I hope and pray.

In winding down, my attitude of gratitude brings me to Stefanie - my first and last born, one of the loves of my life - my 24 year old young adult of whom I am very proud. She is one of the reasons I get up in the mornings, not that I have to do anything for her - it just gives me great pleasure to know that she is an extension of who I am and that God choose through all of His children and gave her to me. How awesome a responsibility to raise a person from infancy to adulthood and only have your hopes and prayers that they will turn out to be someone of honesty, integrity and above all loving. It’s still not easy being the parent of a full grown woman…it still has it’s ups and downs, but all in all - I wouldn’t trade a moment or a memory of Stefanie for anything or anyone. Thank you Stefanie for who you are. We love you very much and as we have told you many times before - we will always be here for you. It is our hope and prayer that 2008 will be your year. Make it work for you.

Last, but certainly not least, Alan. My Bestest Friend in the Whole Wide World. Fate brought us together - our love keeps us together. He knows everything, and I do mean everything, about me and loves me anyway. What a lucky person I am to have found the person that was created just for me on the first try. So many people spend their whole lives searching for what I have had for almost 27 wonderful years. He’s everything to me. “He’s my falling star, my line in the sand when I go too far, my swimming pool on an August day, he’s my every minute of every day.” He is “THE” reason that I get up in the morning. I could never imagine going through my life without him. Alan - I love you farther than my arms can reach.

So as for 2007, those are my most memorable moments. We’ve had a lot of garbage to deal with too, but I have been trying for a long time now to not let the “garbage trucks” of my life dump their trash at my door. I have always been a person of truth and integrity and I have realized that life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. I am going to love the people who treat me right and forget about the ones who don’t. I believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy but then, nothing worth having ever is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to see you finally start writing here. I want to see at least one post a week from you, ya hear me?

I know you can do it. After all, you ARE my sister.