Sunday, November 16, 2008

The one thing I like about Fall is all of the beautiful colors that God puts on his canvas. Our peak Fall color was here last week, the 2nd week of November. I can’t remember when the trees and shrubs have been as beautiful as they have been this year. Perhaps it is due to our drought situation here in the South, but everything has just been stunning. The oranges, reds and golden yellows have been so vivid, it’s just hard to describe their beauty. Here are a few pics of some of the trees right here in my own yard:

stages of color

The one thing I don’t like about Fall is all the leaves that fall down after they have put all their beauty on display. It’s as if they just peak their color and then immediately terminate themselves from the branches from where they have hung all summer long. The bare branches will provide a better view of things that have been masked all Summer by their ever gently rustling in the hot breezes that are now just a memory.

I love all the Seasons, but I have to say that this Fall has been the prettiest we have ever seen. I’m just a little scared of what Winter will be like as we have had an abundant crop of the biggest acorns I have ever seen. I raked up just a very small area in the back yard, about 8 square feet, and was able to fill a 5 gallon bucket to over flowing. I didn’t make a dent in the acorns. Even the Squirrels and Chipmunks can’t keep up with the supply that covers the ground. I’ve always heard that when we have acorns like this, we are going to have a rough Winter….we’ll see. I’ll get back to you on this one.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ear Candling

Have you ever heard of ear candling? Well, I had not either until about a month ago when my girlfriends and I were at a North Georgia Mountain Spa retreat weekend trip. One of the girls was talking about how she had to take her ear candling equipment with her every year on their “family” vacation. What in the heck is ear candling, I asked. Donna proceeded to explain to us what is involved.
First, the person lays down on their side and a long, hollow candle made of cloth dipped in bees wax is lit on the large end. You put your finger over the hole on the small end until the smoke is drawn down the candle then you stick the candle through a hole in a paper plate or tin plate, then into the persons ear.
Donna lighting the candle.
Linda's ear gunk!

As the candle burns down, trim off the burnt end and extinguish in a bowl of water. Gently massage the persons sinus cavities as the candle is burning. Once the candle burns down to about 5 inches long or so, take the candle out of the ear and extinguish in the bowl of water. Then you proceed to unroll what is left of the candle. As you unroll the candle, you will see some powdery substance and some honey colored ear wax. You might even get a big hunk of “gunk” out like I did when I did my husband’s ears.

Alan's ear gunk!

It sounds weird I know, but you will be surprised at what you get out. It’s just amazing. My girlfriends and I had one of our outings at Donna’s house and she did each of ears. Once she finished with ours, I candled hers. I didn’t have much “gunk” at all, in fact none of the girls had a lot. I was able to find the ear candles at my local health food store and I used just an ordinary paper plate for the shield. I would suggest that if you are going to do this, that you have at least 3 people around…..just in case you were to set something on fire.

All in all, it was a neat experience. I have to say, my hearing has improved…I still only hear what I want to though. ;) Happy Candling!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bunni the Hunter

One of the things that our little Bunni does, and does quite well I might add, is hunt. Last week she came across the wild rabbit that lives in the back yard. I was on the phone with one of my girlfriends and I noticed that Bunni was chasing the rabbit. Around and around they went. It was really funny to watch as the rabbit found various hiding spots just to have Bunni come along and pick up it's scent.

The last "pit stop" the rabbit made was underneath the camper. I was very surprised to see it stopped there with the "mighty hunter" so close by, but sometimes Bunni has to be right on top of something before she can smell it. Well, the next thing I know, here comes Bunni. She ran right past the rabbit and then did a one-eighty and off they both went behind the shop. The next thing I know, the rabbit is letting out this blood curlding squeal. I quickly hung up the phone, hollered for Stef's assistance in rescueing the rabbit and quickly ran to it's aid.

I'm sorry to say that Bunni had already made the rabbit victim number 4 on her list of varmits she is collecting on her resume. By the time I got to them, the rabbit was barely breathing, Bunni had her "jaws of life" around it's neck and fur was flying everywhere. I felt terrible, how could this sweet little loving dog do such a horrible, terrible thing to that sweet little innocent rabbit. Bunni had the rabbit's fur all over her mouth, in her eyes and the rabbit's blood was on her mouth and paws. I told Stef to take Bunni in and bathe her to make sure she wasn't hurt and I proceeded to take care of her trophy.

What I found out is that I didn't have the heart to even touch the rabbit so I called Alan and he came home and took care of it. I guess from now on, I'm going to have to make sure there aren't any little critters in the yard before I unleash Bunni. Along with the rabbit, she has two mini badgers (chipsters as we call them), one squirrel and one half of a baby squirrels tail. I'm nicknaming her "killer".

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

One of the things I read everyday is my word from Joel & Victoria Osteen. Most days these words are uplifting and encouraging. Today's word in particular really touches on the subject of encouragement so I thought I'd share today's message with you:

One More Time

Today's Scripture
"When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, 'Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish' " (Luke 5:4).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Several times in Peter's life, Jesus asked him to go the extra mile, to toss his fishing net over the other side of the boat—one more time. And these fishing nets weren't small. They weren't easy to move from side to side. They were very heavy. Peter was reluctant, but he did it anyway because Jesus asked him to, and the results were amazing.

It's easy to get tired and discouraged when you've tried and tried and aren't seeing the results you had hoped. But, when you hear the voice of the Master deep down inside saying, "Try it again," know that things are about to change. It may be hard. It may not make sense. You may be tired, but that "one more time" can be the breakthrough you've been waiting for!

When everything and everyone else says it's time to give up, that's when it's time to go with God. When you obey Him, He'll take the impossible and turn it into a miracle. You can trust that God is ordering your steps. He's taking you down a path of victory and increase. Just like Peter, you'll be amazed at what will happen when you follow His commands, just one more time!

A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I choose today to follow Your commands, even when things seem difficult. I know that Your words bring strength, life, and blessing, and I will serve and honor You all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.