Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ear Candling

Have you ever heard of ear candling? Well, I had not either until about a month ago when my girlfriends and I were at a North Georgia Mountain Spa retreat weekend trip. One of the girls was talking about how she had to take her ear candling equipment with her every year on their “family” vacation. What in the heck is ear candling, I asked. Donna proceeded to explain to us what is involved.
First, the person lays down on their side and a long, hollow candle made of cloth dipped in bees wax is lit on the large end. You put your finger over the hole on the small end until the smoke is drawn down the candle then you stick the candle through a hole in a paper plate or tin plate, then into the persons ear.
Donna lighting the candle.
Linda's ear gunk!

As the candle burns down, trim off the burnt end and extinguish in a bowl of water. Gently massage the persons sinus cavities as the candle is burning. Once the candle burns down to about 5 inches long or so, take the candle out of the ear and extinguish in the bowl of water. Then you proceed to unroll what is left of the candle. As you unroll the candle, you will see some powdery substance and some honey colored ear wax. You might even get a big hunk of “gunk” out like I did when I did my husband’s ears.

Alan's ear gunk!

It sounds weird I know, but you will be surprised at what you get out. It’s just amazing. My girlfriends and I had one of our outings at Donna’s house and she did each of ears. Once she finished with ours, I candled hers. I didn’t have much “gunk” at all, in fact none of the girls had a lot. I was able to find the ear candles at my local health food store and I used just an ordinary paper plate for the shield. I would suggest that if you are going to do this, that you have at least 3 people around…..just in case you were to set something on fire.

All in all, it was a neat experience. I have to say, my hearing has improved…I still only hear what I want to though. ;) Happy Candling!


Unknown said...

I have heard of this before but I just filed it under "vodoo" and let it go. Ewwwww! That ear gunk junk is ugly. And I can't believe Alan let you do that to him.

Linda's Place said...

He was excited to get it done. I couldn't believe what I got out of his ear. Only one ear had a big hunk of gunk. We're going to do Stef's tomorrow. I'm anxious to see what those candles suck out of her ears ;)

Unknown said...

Dahling, I am trying to let my hair grow out to about shoulder length. When I was working this summer and wearing that stetson type hat all day every day, my hair looked like shiite when I took the hat off. The other women, who had long hair, their hair did not look so bad when they took their hats off. So, I am letting it grow out, and it is at that icky stage where I can't do anything with it.

and, yes, i do have other shirts, but I always end up wearing the orange one because it does look nice on me.